Monday, January 28, 2019

Mason started swimming lessons at the Y in January.  We weren't sure which level we should sign him up for but it was obvious after 32 seconds in to the first class we chose a level too easy for him.  The poor instructor has his hands full with our little man!  He's got no fear of the water and loves to jump in, go under, hold his breath and swim around--meanwhile half the kids in the class are still afraid to get wet.  Oh well, Mason's just happy to be swimming in the middle of winter!

Kade started basketball in January as well!  We moved him up a level to play with 3rd and 4th graders this year.  I was a little apprehensive that he wouldn't be able to keep up with kids 2 years older than him.  However, after scoring 6 points in the first game, 10 points in the 2nd game and then 16 points in this last game--I'd say he's right where he should be!  I will say, it's been a little weird to see him play with kids taller than him.  It's nice to see him actually work for a rebound!

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