Sunday, January 20, 2019

The long winter is in full force so it's time to cash in on the Christmas gifts.  Kade got a gift card to the local trampoline park so we got a bunch of friends together and spent an hour jumping off some energy.
His favorite area is the dodgeball court

This area takes way more work to actually get on the beam than it does to knock someone off!  Half the time they swing, miss, lose their balance and fall in without ever making contact.  But they are pretty persistent in their efforts!

This might've been the most entertaining part of the whole experience.
Check out Kade's face in the bottom picture.

Afterwards 12 kids and 5 moms descended upon the Mexican restaurant next door.  To say they were overwhelmed was an understatement!  Holy cow was it loud and chaotic!!  But the food was delicious.

Mason got a tool kit with a couple wood projects from my parents.  He's putting the catapult truck together here.  Next up...bird house!

Fishing for the elusive blue gill in Grandpa's waterway.  
Unfortunately he didn't catch anything this time.  Could've been due to his choice of location for his fishing spot but who's counting.

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