Thursday, December 6, 2018

What do you do when it's the first snowfall and there's no hills around your house? 
You improvise!!

What do you do when it's freezing could outside but you want to play football with friends, except you live in the country where no friends are around?
You make your dad go outside with you!

Meanwhile, Mason and I stayed warm and cozy in the garage where we worked on "projects" together.
I'm not exactly sure what Mason was whipping up here, but he was using Erik's newly built table as his workbench.

These boys were heading out to do some varmint hunting.
We had an opossum somewhere in our woods and they were going to find it!
They didn't

What do you do when you're at a restaurant with your kids and your kids are done eating and getting out of control?
Make them participate in a wall sit competition.

Thanksgiving and the cousins are making everyone some sort of soup.
Thank goodness they didn't make us taste test it.

And finally...our annual tree picture.
This year we gave up and bought an artificial!  
I'm not going to lie, the fake one has been nice but I did kind of miss coming home to see which tree Erik surprised me with.   

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