Friday, December 14, 2018

My little tree decorators!  They did a wonderful job this year!  Very evenly spaced and utilized the whole tree--2 boys after my OCD-ish heart.

My grandma had a Christmas village that she put out every year.  I loved seeing it set up at her house in front of her big window.  I was the lucky recipient of her village when she passed but I haven't been able to put it out because little boys and porcelain don't mix.  This year I decided the boys are old enough to keep their hands to themselves.  To my surprise Kade was SUPER excited about it and loved setting it up.  Mason didn't really care, except to add his own touch when all was said and done, which was a Lego helicopter.  

The boys built Louie, our elf, his own house--out of an amazon box and a carrot bag.

Complete with his own tree.

And our little wrestler--it sure was cute while it lasted!
He went to exactly 2 practices.
Apparently an older kid choked him and it was enough to scare him away.  We tried to get him to go back but he wasn't having it.  If you've met Mason you know he's stubborn and at 4 years old we decided it wasn't worth the battle to make him go back.  He did say he'll got back when he gets older...

...or he won't and he'll be a basketball player!
Since he's no longer wrestling him and Kade have been playing basketball in the basement quite a bit.  And, let's be honest, he's just as cute in his basketball gear as he is in his wrestling gear!

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