Friday, December 28, 2018

Christmas Cookies and Christmas Program

Continuing on with all things Christmas, we finished out the first weekend in December with our annual cooking baking.  Thank goodness someone had their camera ready because these "helpers" only stuck around for about 4 minutes.  Of course they made their way back into the kitchen about 4 hours later when everything was ready to eat!

The second weekend in December was dedicated solely to the Christmas program.  This year Mason was in it too!  
Saturday morning Erik and I volunteered our time helping out with the practice.  Erik was in Kade's room and I was in Mason's.  Saturday night, for the first performance, we were also helpers in the classroom and the boys were excited to perform!  
Thank goodness all of the grandparents were able to make it to that show because Sunday morning brought a whole new attitude towards performing, as shown below.

One of us was happy to go back for more... of us was not.

There were 2 shows on Sunday morning and we convinced Mason to do the first one so we could see him on stage, since we were busy helping on Saturday we didn't get to see it.  If he did the first one then he could join us in the audience for the second Sunday show so he could watch it too.  Thank goodness that bribe worked!

Kade is the tallest kid, directly underneath the microphone.

Little bit closer view.

Mason's group lining up onstage to do their number.  
He's the cheeks right in between the 2 adults.

He even looked over and gave us a little smile!
Top row, 3rd from right

And he even sang a little bit!!

After the program was over, the boys got back to doing what boys do best.
Jumping off things and playing outside!
Please note the difference in the boy's jumping style.
Of course Mason would jump head first into the pile of snow...I've lost count of the gray hairs that kid has given me.

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