Friday, November 30, 2018

A couple weeks ago Erik's parents had tickets to a Gopher football game but decided it was too cold so Erik and Kade snatched them up.  Erik loved having one-on-one time with Kade, the weather was fun--it snowed!, and the Gophers won!  They had a great time and talked about the game for days afterwards.

Kade has been begging for a Nintendo Switch or whatever the latest gaming device is.  I'm not sure he even knows, I think he just thinks he needs one because kids on the bus have them.  Anyway, I remembered that I had a Gameboy that is about 15 years old along with a couple games!  It still works like a charm and the boys love it!!

My brother's favorite restaurant of all time is Mr. Pizza.  If he could live off of that, he would.  Now that he is in Atlanta his Mr. Pizza days are extremely limited (unfortunately they don't ship).  So, like a good little sister, every time we have Mr. Pizza (which is nearly every Friday during the cold winter months),  I rub it in his face and send him a picture.  Now I have the boys in on the fun too!!

This is officially happening....

We haven't given up on his jump shot but, my goodness, does he look cute in a singlet!!  
And so far he is LOVING it.

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