Monday, November 12, 2018


Mason had his first ever class party!  Unfortunately I wasn't able to attend but Erik made it.  It sounds like Mason is a goofball in school too and needed a few gentle reminders to pay shock there!!  He likes to keep us on our toes.

Our little firefighter.

I knew Mase is a big boy but I was surprised at just how big he is.  He appears to be almost a head taller than most of his classmates!  I'm used to him being "little" because he's always next to Kade--this picture was a good reminder that he's not so little anymore.

There's the Mason we know and love.

My football player and firefighter.
We were trying to figure out how many times Kade has been a football player for Halloween.  I'm pretty sure this is his 5th time.  The costume gets more elaborate every time!  This year he even taped his cleats and ankles.

Just like Kade has loved changing his clothes for the activity he's playing, Mason has had a love of keys for as long as I can remember.  
He was a good boy shopping with mom so he got to pick out a new key!

My handsome little Vikings fans.

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