Sunday, July 8, 2018

The summer keeps rolling by and I'm still playing catch up from the first few weeks in June!  

Kade is playing baseball again this summer with an 8U team.  He's got a game or practice every Tuesday and Thursday evening.  Erik is one of the coaches and since Mason never wants to be left out, it's a whole family affair whether there's a game or not!  Kade absolutely loves baseball, and Mason is starting to show more interest in it as well.  He loves to put on the uniform (cleats too), steal the catchers gear when the coaches aren't paying attention and go through the high 5 line up at the end of the game.

These boys keep us busy and summer flies by in the blink of an eye, but we wouldn't have it any other way!  Life is good with these handsome boys!!

A few weeks ago was Gopher Count, a town celebration in a neighboring community.
It's on a Thursday so I had to work but Erik took the boys.  Unfortunately it was down pouring during the parade but they managed to have fun anyway.
Erik entered Mason into the tractor pull...

Lo and behold, he took first place!!!

Kade entered it too but he didn't do as well this time.  I think he might be getting a bit too tall for it, Erik said his knees hit the steering wheel at every rotation and he wasn't able to pull very far.

These are some of the other pictures Erik sent me through out the day.

We celebrated Charlie and Violet's birthdays on one of our camping excursions.
I just love this picture of Mase.

Kade with his little buddy, Eve!

My friend Melissa takes amazing pictures.  
She took some team photos again this summer.  

Kade at his friend Nolan's birthday party.
I love these pictures, they just scream childhood summer.

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