Saturday, June 30, 2018

Vacation Part 2

One morning we went for a walk in wildlife preserve, hoping to see some alligators up close (but not too close).  We kind of lucked out as the only ones we saw were a ways away.  Thankfully Mason didn't seem too upset and I was happy to get out of there with everyone in one piece!

The boys were warned about fire ants and I think they thought the ants were actually on fire.  The way they were examining them, you'd think they never saw an ant before!

No vacation is complete without a trip to the mini golf course!!

Swimming in the backyard pool

We also took a day trip to Savannah, GA.  We took a trolley ride/informational tour around the old parts of town, walked on River Street, and visited a chocolate restaurant.  The highlight for the kids was probably the mini splash park.

Erik and Kade took a little stroll on the beach one morning, just the 2 of them, these are the pictures Erik took.

The boys had fun finding shells--teeny tiny, broken shells--but hey, they were happy!

We also took a 2 hour dolphin tour boat ride.  I think we saw 5 dolphins!!

But the highlight for the boys was being able to drive the boat.

My little shrimp boat captains.

On the last day we walked up an old lighthouse and watched a storm roll in.

Heading back to Atlanta after a fun week in Hilton Head!

We spent one more night at my brother's house before heading back to MN.

That wraps up vacation pictures!  Hard to believe that was 3 weeks ago already!  It's already 4th of July in a couple days.  It's hard to keep up with posts when there's so many fun activities to cram into 3 months.

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