Saturday, July 14, 2018

Baseball, Baseball, Baseball

It seems like baseball has taken over our lives this summer.  With Kade playing 2 nights a week, Erik coaching and Mason sneaking into the action as well I feel like it's all we do!  It doesn't help that the minute we get home from the ball field the boys are grabbing their bats and asking dad to pitch to them.
I have to admit, I've never liked baseball.  I've always thought it was SO BORING.  But that all changed when Kade got into it.  I could watch 8U baseball all day when it's your own kid and your friend's kids playing, your husband and friends coaching, and the fan section is everyone you know.  I can honestly say it's exciting (most of the time).  Heck, I'd rather watch these guys than the Twins any day of the week!!
A couple weeks ago the boys got into a "competitive tournament", their first one ever.  Kade loved every second of it.  When I asked him that night at bed time what his best part of the day was he said, "That I got to play baseball ALL DAY."  Kade Heaven.  It got to be a little too long of a day for Mason until he realized he could hang out in the dugout with the big kids--Mason Heaven.

Our little sluggers took 2nd place and got cool medals!

Mason doing what he's known for at every game, putting on the catchers gear and pretending he's on the team!

Erik and his cousin, Damon.  
Technically they were coaching opposing teams but they spent most of the game side-by-side.

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