Saturday, July 21, 2018

Summer fun.  That's the only way to describe the boys' summer!  I swear this summer has been the busiest it's ever been--but maybe I say that every summer.  Thankfully the weather has cooperated, there's been some steamy days for water fun, some pleasant days for baseball and not too many rainy days (which means my house is a disaster because who wants to clean when it's nice outside??).

A sure sign of a good day is a rough bedtime and boy have we had some doozies lately!  The boys hold it together until we announce it's time to brush their teeth and get ready for bed and that's when the waterworks come.  The busier and the more fun day, the bigger the bedtime tantrum is.  I suppose that's a good thing?  I'm not so sure....but I am enjoying these childhood days of summer.

Slip n Slide fun at the farm!

4th of July fun at the ranch!

Fireworks fun with friends!

Camping fun with friends!

Aunt Kristi makes delicious dips :-)

The littles at daycare love when Kade is there.

Fair fun!

Fishing with grandpa!

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