Monday, May 28, 2018

Field Trips

It's the end of the school year and that means field trips!!  Unfortunately I couldn't get time off from work to join Kade but thankfully I had lots of mom friends sending me pictures throughout the day.  Looks like I missed a good time!

Porter and Kade, bus buddies

Watching the otters at Oxbow Zoo.  
Apparently they were quite the hit with the 1st grade boys!

Mrs. Clark's 1st grade class posing in front of the library

Mason and his daycare buddies at the playground

Mason was sad that he didn't get to go to the zoo like Kade did, so that following Wednesday just the 2 of us went.  It was a little cold and drizzly but we had a blast!

He was so excited for the bear.  
I think Mason expected him to be ferocious and loose (I'm pretty sure Mason's dream come true would be to wrestle and/or shoot a bear and an alligator), so he was a bit disappointed to see the bear caged and laying on it's back playing with it's feet.  
This kid is going to give me a full head of grey hair real soon.

After the zoo I took him to real restaurant.  He was so excited!!
We sat in a booth and he joined me on my side, best date I've ever had (sorry, not sorry Tall Guy!).

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