Tuesday, June 12, 2018

So Far Behind

School ended, we've got one camping trip in the books and we're already back from vacation #1.  And I haven't posted about any of it!  I've got some catching up to do!!
Vacation pictures will have to wait until next post since I've already got way too many pictures in this one.

Here goes!

Kade is still loving horse riding lessons!  
Just my luck, he'll end up being a jockey some day.  
Well maybe not, I think he might be too tall already.

Kade with his classmate and horse riding buddy, Andrew.

The first warm day of the year and Amanda, Mason's daycare mom, took full advantage!  Mason LOVES water days at daycare.

More signs of summer, Kade's back on the lawn mower.  
He still loves mowing, much to Erik's delight!

And Erik's other lawn mowing "helper", assuming his usual position--fast asleep in dad's arms.  He's almost getting too big for that spot.

Kade's school had an Activity Day that the parents were invited too.
This is as close as Kade would let me get to him.  First grade and too cool for mom.

Baseball has started too.  Which means Melissa and I are back to following these two cuties around the playground.  Every once in awhile someone will let us know if Kade or Charlie is up to bat.  Someday we'll actually get to sit back and enjoy a game!  Until then, our entertainment is Harper and Mason and their adorable friendship.

This brings us to Memorial Day weekend and our first camping trip of 2018.  Holy cow it was a hot one!  Close to 100 degree heat every day but it didn't keep us from enjoying ourselves.  We spent most of time spent in the pool or in front of a fan but we did manage to break away for other fun activities.

We had a visitor waiting for us when we got home.  I saw a woodchuck the Thursday before we left.  Erik wasn't sure if he believed me but he set up a live trap just in case.  Lo and behold, we pull in on Monday afternoon to find Woody the Woodchuck!

My very brave trapper releasing his catch back into the wild.

And finally...
The last day of first grade.
I officially have a second grader and I get choked up every time I think about it.
I can't believe how quickly he's growing and changing.
And, yes, I believe he will surpass me in height by the end of second grade.

(First day of first grade)

Good thing we still have this little buddy home for one more year!
The last day of school also happened to be my birthday.  Kade had a birthday party to attend (not mine) so I took a break from packing for vacation (we left at 4:30 am the next day) and Erik and Mason treated me to some birthday Dairy Queen.

Next up....Vacation #1!!!

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