Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Every week I look at the past few posts and then scroll through the pictures on my phone to see which pictures I haven't added to a post yet.  I try to keep them somewhat in order by date but that doesn't always happen.  Tonight, going through my phone pictures I realized that summer is officially in full swing for us because I have TONS of pictures to choose from!  So there is no rhyme or reason to the order of these pictures.

Grandma H has started horse riding lessons with Kade!
For the past few weeks he's been going to a trainer to help teach him the basics. 

Coincidentally, one of Kade's classmates--Andrew (who also just happens to be his locker buddy) is also taking riding lessons!  Kade's pretty excited to have a friend to ride with.  

When you are a good boy for Mommy at Target you get hooked up!!

I never thought I'd see the day when Erik applied nail polish on anyone's nails.  
Nail polish and a gun--Mason's got all the bases covered.

A couple weeks ago we had Megan and her family over, we hadn't seen them since Christmas so the kids had fun playing and the mom's had fun enjoying drinks and "cackling on the porch" (as Erik and Tim reminded us multiple times that's what we were doing).

The kids enjoying kiddie cocktails in honor of Cinco de Mayo.

Vi and Mase enjoying a dip in ice cold hose water on the first real warm-ish day of the year.

Last Friday we had some friends over, who just also happen to be daycare buddies, over for pizza.
Ashtyn and Brinlee can hold their own in a wrestling match!!

The dads got their butts kicked by a bunch of little people.

And finally, these 2 goofballs...holy cow they need haircuts!

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