Wednesday, May 9, 2018

A couple weekends ago our neighbors to the south had a controlled burn on 10 acres of natural grasses right behind our house.  They let us know a few days before hand so it's all the boys could talk about for 3 days straight.  Fire, firemen, firetrucks in our own backyard--does it get any cooler for a kid?!?  Saturday morning, the day of the burn, Kade woke up extra early and set up watch to make sure they didn't miss a second.  Thankfully the weather cooperated and so all of their pyro dreams came true.
The burn has started.  
There's a tiny bit of smoke in the back right corner...

The smoke is picking up!

And the fire is getting closer.

In the words of our neighbor Jerry...
"Holy crap Mason, WHAT DID YOU DO?!?!?"

So there was a little bit of smoke going up in the air...

Our friend Melissa sent us this picture from the roundabout that's a few miles away.

Whew.  It's over and the fire was contained.  It actually went up really fast, it was over and done within about 10 minutes of lighting it.

We hopped on the gator to go for a ride so the boys could see the firemen and the firetrucks up close and personal.

And for the rest of the day Mason was a "fire guy" who was burning things.  
Now, in his mind, the firemen start the fires not put them out.

Trying out for his own month in the next fireman's calendar.

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