Friday, April 13, 2018

Easter Part II

In years past we've put the eggs in very obvious places so they'd be easy to find, this year it was a challenge, there were no eggs in plain sight.  Kade woke up crazy early, snuck out to the living room to have a look and then went to get Mason up.  Mason reluctantly got up but when Erik heard this he immediately put the kabosh on that and brought Mason back to bed with us.  Mase ended up falling back to sleep for another hour or so, which was still too early for him as seen in the first picture below.  
Surprisingly Kade waited patiently!!  Watching The Rifleman (yes, that old western show that appears to have been filmed in 1892.  Kade has the DVR set to record every episode, the boys LOVE it!) helped pass the time for him.
When we finally joined him at 6:45 they were in for a surprise!  This year we hid their baskets and made a scavenger hunt with clues hidden in the eggs.  It wasn't as big of a hit as I thought it would be.  Mason was still tired and Kade was too impatient to figure out what the clues meant.  
All's well that ends well though, they got their candy and baskets filled with battery toothbrushes, toothpaste, flossers and cap guns.  Kade got a new basketball and Mason got new crocs for the summer.  Not too shabby for a couple boys who don't get a visit from the Easter Bunny!  (The boys know that we hide the eggs.  We've neither confirmed nor denied the existence of the bunny but they know that it doesn't come to our house.)

Sleepy Mason and a Kade that can't wait to get the hunt on.

First clue hidden on the back of Butterfinger bunnies.
Turns out the boys don't really like butterfingers so they ended up being Mom and Dad's....darn.

And the hunt is on!

The final clue took them out to my car.

Love that reaction from Kade.


And hey, guess what!!  Our stairs are done!!
Well, there's still some finishing work to do and some painting but we are no longer looking at hideous carpet or particle board stairs treads!  Woo hoo!!  
Time to find Erik another project....just kidding, dear.  Kind of.

This last picture is courtesy of Mason.  He likes to take pictures of our stairs, 
I bet I've deleted at least 30 of the same version of this picture off of my phone.

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