Monday, April 23, 2018

Our internet was out of commission last of the joys of living in the country!  Looking back on my pictures, and seeing they were all taken indoors due to nasty and cold weather,  I feel like I'm so behind!  However, considering we dug ourselves out of a 6+" snowstorm just 5 days ago I guess I'm not doing too badly.  It's funny how quickly Minnesotan's can forget about winter after just 2 days of 60+ degree weather!

Cabin fever was at an all time high this spring.  It was all we could do to keep these boys busy and entertained when every other day it seemed like we were dealing with winter storm warnings.  We dealt with whatever Mother Nature handed us by bundling up and braving the outdoors.  Kade Man cannot function properly without at least 2 hours outside, no matter what the weather is doing.  Mason, on the other hand, is perfectly content to sit and watch a movie (which is hard to do with no internet, thus no Netflix!).  I cannot wait to wash and put away all of the winter gear!! 

Playing with friends also helped pass the time spent inside...

They made an "E" for Eagles. 
(which, I just now realized, they are all wearing Eagles attire)

Harper crawled in and asked, "Why does your bed stink?".  Mason promptly answered, "Because I farted!" and then without missing a beat, lifted the covers over both of their heads.  
Oh Mase, you are going to make a great husband some day.

Mason with his daycare buddies, Gunnar and Jackson.

Mason is absolutely awestruck and infatuated with our daycare mom's son, Gavin.  Whenever Gavin is around Mason's face lights up.  It's adorable.  Gavin is a wrestler, thus Mason is a wrestler.  Gavin made all of Mason's dreams come true one day when he let Mase wear his headgear and wrestled him.

I love this picture of Kade, he has no idea I took it.
Just hanging out, brushing his teeth, looking for deer and unknowingly doing a little Senior Picture Posing.  
No big deal.

Grandma H got a new pony for the grandkids to ride!  
Kade's more than a little excited to ride Zee.

And finally, Jenna and I took the kids to Bounce World last Wednesday before the final snowstorm hit (it better have been the final snowfall).  They managed to burn off some energy before getting stuck at home yet again!

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