Friday, February 9, 2018

Happy 4th Birthday, Mason!!

I can't believe you are 4 already!!  February 9, 2014 is still so fresh in my mind that I'd swear it was just last month.

It was a Sunday at 1:00 and I was at work.  Dad and Kade were at Carlos O'Kelley's for lunch celebrating Uncle Mike's birthday.  I was sitting in the break room eating my lunch when Jody (the social worker) called to tell me that a baby boy was born early in the morning at the hospital in Mankato, his birth mom had chosen adoption and we were the lucky family to get him.
I called Dad immediately, shaking with excitement and shock.  Then I called Grandpa C because we were supposed to go to their house for supper to celebrate his birthday.  I told him we weren't going to make it because we were going to meet our new baby.
I left work immediately.  Kade went home with Grandma and Grandpa H and dad met me at home.  We quickly dug out the baby car seat, some baby clothes and took off for Mankato.  On the way we googled names, I read off at least 100 names to dad but the only name that stuck out to us was "Mason".
We got there around 3:30, a social worker met us at the front door and we went straight to the nursery to see you.  A nurse was rocking you in her arms.  She told me that everyone in the hospital was fighting over whose turn it was to snuggle you until we got there.  You were so popular!  My first reaction was:  he's so tan!  and look at all of that black hair!  and look at those big cheeks and ears!  You were perfect.  Another nurse came into the room, crying.  She told us that she was adopted and our story moved her to tears, she had to come in to see you, see us, to give us all a big hug and wish us a lifetime of happiness.

I never get tired of telling your story, it's miraculous.  I think of your birth mom often, how painful that decision must've been to choose adoption for you.  I thank God every day for His gift--it's your birthday but Dad and I are the ones who received the best present ever on the day you were born.

We love you, Mason David--our big, funny, stubborn, snuggly, happy, adorable 4 year old boy!!

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