Saturday, February 17, 2018

Catching up on some pictures this week.

I'm taking advantage of this cold winter weather and putting Erik to work doing some house projects!  When it's above 10 degrees, he's outside "playing".  So I have a very small time frame in January and February to get him to take on some indoor projects.  He decided he needed a fancy new saw in order to get them done.  I'm not sure who is more excited about it though, Erik or Mason.

My basketball boys.

I'm not sure this coach knows what he's doing though :-)
But he sure looks cute when he's deep in thought!

We ended up with a decent size ice rink in the ditch by our driveway.  
Kade spent hours skating on it every day but unfortunately it's gone now after a day of warmer weather.

Someone got a hold of a phone.

Mason's daycare mom sent me these pictures of his birthday celebration.  She always manages to capture the best smiles from him!

We took Mason to his first movie last Wednesday while Kade was at school.  He did pretty well!  We managed to stay for the whole thing and he only got a little restless in the middle.  
Kade still hasn't been to a movie!  I asked him today if he wants to go to one and he said, "Only if it's one I'd like.  But I probably wouldn't want to stay for the whole thing."  

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