Sunday, December 17, 2017

Christmas Cookies, Celebrations and Concerts

Our weekends in December have been filled with all things Christmas!

First we had our annual cookie bake.  Don't let the pictures fool you, it was so warm out that day that the kids frosted for about 6 minutes then spent the rest of the day playing outside.  Lots of cookies were prepared and lots of fun was had.

The following weekend we celebrated Christmas with Lady A and her mom.  The boys were spoiled with lots of attention, love and goodies!

This weekend Kade sang in the church Christmas concert.  He sang in all 3 services and loved every minute of it!  

Middle row, first kid on the left.  Being the tallest has its perks, he was the "1st Grade Line Leader" and made it easy for us to spot him on stage!

Sleepy boys after all of the celebrating we've been doing!

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