Sunday, August 6, 2017

Vacation Part 1

Last week we took our first vacation of the summer!  We spent Friday-Tuesday at a campground with our friends the Z's.  The weather was perfect (80's and sunny every day), the kids were perfect (most of the time anyway) and we had a blast!  We fished, we celebrated Paityn's 9th birthday, we biked (almost 13 miles!), we swam, we enjoyed a dance party at the campground (seriously, best kids DJ's I've ever seen!), we ate and we ate and we ate, we even found time to relax!!!  
Before we left, Melissa and I did some meal planning and decided we needed a Dip Day.  We made an assortment of dips before hand so we had less to do at the campground when it came to feeding our families.  Dip Day also happened to coincide with Mom's Tequila Day (wink, wink).  That might've been the highlight of the trip, the kids and the dads are still raving about Dip Day!  Might have to make that an annual occurrence.
We had a great time and can't wait to do it again next year!!

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