Thursday, August 10, 2017

Happy 7th Birthday, Kade!!

7 years old today!  Time is going too fast and you are getting way too big.  No seriously, your feet are as big as mine and you are only 8 inches away from being as tall as me.  Dad was right--he predicted we'd be wearing the same size shoes by the time you are in 1st grade.

You are still as busy as ever.  The only time you sit still is when you are sleeping and that's not an exaggeration.  You've still never seen an entire movie from beginning to end!  I sometimes wonder if you ever will.  "High maintenance" is definitely an appropriate description of you!  You like to have something to do, a project to work on and a list to accomplish.  You don't do well on lazy days with no plans made.

You still love sports.  Whatever sport is in season is your favorite sport.  You went golfing for the first time this summer and (surprise, surprise) you loved it.  You came home and made a 9 hole course in our yard and couldn't contain your excitement when you opened your gift from us and discovered your very own set of clubs.

You're smart, you're funny, you're handsome (seriously, those eyes and eyelashes), you're LOUD (holy cow are you loud), and you're sweet (most of the time).  You definitely have your moments though when you pick on Mason and sneak hits and shoves when you think we aren't looking.  Unlucky for you, your brother is going to be the same size as you soon and that kid can hold his own!  But I can tell that you genuinely care for him because whenever he is sad or hurt you run to find his favorite blanket for him and make sure he's taken care of.  I love watching you take care of Mason.  And he LOVES you!  You are most definitely his favorite person!

We love you Kade William!  I can't believe its been 7 years since we first laid eyes on you!!  I am one lucky lady to have such a special little man that I get to call my son.

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