Friday, February 24, 2017

We had a giant snowstorm today that kept all of us home.  We couldn't drive out of our garage even if we wanted to (good thing we didn't want to).  We played outside, shoveled, the boys went for snowmobile rides, we napped on the couch and played games.  It was a great day but it was a tough to pill to swallow considering just 2 days ago it was 60+ degrees and we were playing outside in shorts and t-shirts!  Minnesota weather is never boring!!!

This picture isn't from today.  
The snowfall from today was about 10 times the amount that's in this picture.

Charlie, Kade and Mason.  3 studs in eye black.

Mason and I out for a walk enjoying the spring weather in February.

Kade and I went to the girls basketball playoff game last night.  We met our friends Sandi and Lauren there.  The game went into overtime, unfortunately they lost, but Lauren and Kade were going CRAZY with cheering!  It was so fun to watch them get so into the game!  Little ballers in the making :-)

Friday, February 17, 2017

Just pictures and videos from Mason's 3rd birthday and his party!


He's really into dragons these days (from watching Shrek).  So, I found this cool dragon that blows "smoke" and walks using a remote control.  Well, the smoke worked once and the remote worked for about 30 minutes.  I don't think the dragon has been touched since.

Birthday baths in their birthday suits!

 We had immediate family over on Friday to celebrate.  It also happened to be Uncle Mike's birthday so he got celebrated as well.  The video at the bottom, with the 2 birthday boys, is so cute!

The birthday boys!
Three year old Mason and, well, an age roughly 10 times that for Uncle Mike.

I realized I never actually got a picture with Mason and his cake.  Luckily the video worked!

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Happy 3rd Birthday, Mason David!!

My sweet baby Mason turns 3 today!!  You are such a sweet little man.  You gives hugs, kisses and snuggles away freely.  You LOVE your big brother and will do or say anything he tells you to just get his laugh.  You are so funny and love to make people laugh.  Class Clown is most definitely in your future.  You have no fear, no concept of repercussions and an unusually high tolerance for pain--which all adds up to lots of gray hairs for mom and dad as you dive head first off of everything (or try to stick things in outlets and/or your mouth).  And, oh boy, are you stubborn!  Disciplining you is hard work because: 1. time outs mean nothing to you   2.  taking away toys or items means nothing to you and  3.  you've got that killer smile that lights up your entire face and a giggle that makes me laugh every.single.time I hear it.

I'm trying to soak in every minute of this age because you've still got big, chubby cheeks, squishy arms and a baby belly.  Soon that will be replaced with long, skinny arms and legs.  So, I'm holding on to this "baby" stage as long as possible!  Although, your vocabulary is not so babyish.  Your favorite word is still "dammit".  You say it so often that now you tell on yourself when you say it.  "Yep!  My say dammit!  Dammit.  Dammit.  Dammit".  Just the other day you were playing by yourself in the basement.  I could hear you having a full on conversation, asking questions and answering yourself.  All of the sudden you yelled to me, "MOM!  MY SAID DAMMIT!!".  See above for how hard it is to discipline you when you say that word.

You love tractors, cars, lawn mowers, snowmobiles...anything with an engine.  And you love to pretend to fix said engines.  You are going to be handy to have around when I need work done on my car!!

When I think back to the day you were born, the day we found out we were getting another baby boy, my heart swells with joy.  God's plan was amazing.  You were the answer to my prayer.  As my favorite saying goes, "We were meant to be".

Happy Birthday, Mason.  We love you sooooooo much!

Friday, February 3, 2017

12 Questions Revisited

I was looking back at old posts and came across one from last January where I asked the boys 12 questions.  I thought I'd ask them again and see how much their responses have changed.  If you want to go back and look at the originals, the post is from January 22, 2016.

1.  What is something I always say to you:  Stop fighting

2.  What makes me happy:  when we be good boys

3.  What makes me sad:  when Molly dies (she's not dead...yet.  15 years old this summer!)

4.  How do you make me laugh:  when we tickle your feet

5.  What was I like as a little girl:  you had pony tails

6.  How old am I:  umm.......30?

7.  How tall am I:  6 ft

8.  What is my favorite thing to do:  shop or clean

9.  What do I do when you boys aren't around:  clean, clean, clean

10.  What am I really good at:  making designs, like on a paper

11.  What is something I'm not good at:  ICE SKATING!!!

12.  What do I do for a job:  weigh blood

1.  What is something I always say to you:  I gotta work in the office for a bit (which, is so not true.  But, that was the first thing Kade said).

2.  What makes me happy:  winning basketball games against Kade

3.  What makes me sad:  when Molly dies

4.  How do you make me laugh:  tell funny jokes

5.  What was I like as a little boy:  shooting baskets with basketballs

6.  How old am I:  99

7.  How tall am I:  6 ft 8 inches

8.  What is my favorite thing to do:  shoot baskets at open gym

9.  What does Erik do when boys aren't around:  work on the lockers

10.  What am I really good at:  building lockers

11.  What is something I'm not good at:  running the coffee maker

12.  What do I do for a job:  computer stuff

I thought I should include a picture of the lockers that Erik built!  
Kade was right, he is really good at building lockers!