Saturday, January 7, 2017

I can't believe Christmas was 2 weeks ago already!  And I can't believe my house STILL looks like the elves workshop...time to do some organizing and downsizing!  

Now onto the good stuff...

This might be my favorite picture of the season.  
They sat like that for almost half an hour!  A new record!

Popcorn and muscles.  I'm a lucky lady.

Present opening time!

A new baseball bat and bat bag.

My pictures didn't do justice showing the excitement on their faces.
Wish I could bottle up their joy and save it for the not-so-happy times throughout the year 
(oh, who am I kidding.  I mean for the childhood tantrums that happen almost daily :-)


Matching hats!  I love this picture too!!

After food and presents we all sat around the table putting together the legos the boys got.  
This was one of my favorite times of the whole season.  
Love my boys!  Love my family!

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