Saturday, January 14, 2017

Last weekend we had made plans to go swimming at a local hotel that has a mini waterpark.  Plans changed when we woke up to a 57 degree house and a furnace that wasn't working!  We ended up spending the day waiting for the technician to come fix it, and then went ice skating in the evening.

The swim bag was packed, Mason discovered the goggles and refused to take them off.

We didn't rent Mason skates.  It was pretty busy on the ice and I wasn't feeling confident in my skating abilities enough to be able to help him as well.  Last time we went he just ran around on the ice with his shoes on.  We thought he'd be able to do that again but he got kicked off immediately.
 Thankfully there was a high school hockey game going on at the next door rink.  Mason loved watching the zamboni.  When the driver finished, he motioned for Mason to come over.  The driver gave Mason his very own puck, a chance to sit on the zamboni and a handful of M&M's!!  Not to mention we got to sit in the front row and watch the game, free of charge!  I'd say Mason made off pretty well after his initial disappointment of getting kicked off the ice!

Meanwhile, these 2 went around and around and around!  None the wiser of all the goods Mason was scoring right next door!

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