Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Pumpkin carving.  
Don't be fooled by those cute faces, I got stuck doing most of the dirty work!

For anybody really scrutinizing these pictures…yes, the boys are wearing the exact same outfit.  I couldn't resist buying matching pants and sweatshirts!  
Mom Dream = Fulfilled :-)

We got the idea from a friend to use a drill.  It was perfect!  They loved it and we loved that they didn't have a sharp knife in their hands!

It's hard to tell but the boys drilled their initials into their pumpkin.  
And I carved Goldy Gopher again this year per request from Kade.

Kade's class had a Halloween party and a mini parade of costumes.
Shocking…Kade chose to be a football player again.

Let the Trick-or-Treating begin!!!

Digging through grandma's goodie bucket.

Filled up their buckets at the first stop!

Kade chose Mason's costume.
Shocking…he wanted Mason to be a football player.

I told them to flex and this is what they did.
Love these 2 handsome fellas.

This year we trick or treated in town with some of Kade's school buddies.
This isn't the whole crew.  There's a certain little Viking who refused to be in the picture.

This is the best I could do!

Kade with a few of his Kindergarten friends.

Mason and his little buddy Nyle.

It was a super warm evening and we way overdressed for the walk.  Mason wasn't really feeling trick-or-treating this year yet.  He did understand that if the light was on there was candy to be had.  However, he didn't want to get out of the wagon or hold his bucket up and say the magic words.  Kade was so far ahead of us, running with his friends to that we barely ever saw him.  Once in awhile we'd see a flash of yellow pants go by so we knew he was still safe.  It was fun but holy cow trick-or-treating is a hard, sweaty task!!

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