Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Mom Fail:  Kade didn't get new shoes for the start of the school year.  He got a new pair in the spring and didn't wear them all summer so they were still in pretty good shape by September and, amazingly, they still fit him.  Periodically I would check his toes and although I could tell they were getting tighter he still had room or so I thought…
Kade likes to compare his foot size to mine so we sit on the floor, across from each other, and put our feet up against each other.  We did this the other day and I realized his feet are barely smaller than mine now.  I'm a size 4.5 in kids and I figured Kade had to be at least a 3 if not a 3.5.  I thought, "No worries, his shoes are a size 3 so although it's time to get new shoes, there's no rush."  Wrong.  Erik went and checked his shoes, they were a size 2!!  We brought him to the shoe store the next day and sure enough, 3.5!  The poor kid has been shoving is 3.5 foot into a size 2 shoe!!!  So, I'm fairly certain that what I thought was the tip of his big toe was actually his knuckle.  He put on his new shoes and said, "YES!  I don't have to curl my toes anymore!!".  See what I mean?  Mom Fail.

I was going through pictures and realized I left out a few good ones!

Harper and Charlie spent the day with us a few weeks ago.  The boys were in heaven with 2 of their best friends spending the entire day with us!!

Isaac and Mason…these 2 cousins spell TROUBLE.
But they are so gosh darn cute doing it!

Again, can't resist matching clothes...

Mason is OBSESSED with seeing pictures on people's phones.  
"See pichers?  See pichers on pone?"--Mason
He talked Gpa H into handing over his phone and gpa discovered this gem a few days later.
Cutest selfie I've ever seen!

Kade and Charlie "hunting"

This picture makes me laugh every time.  
Shorty with his classmates. 

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