Thursday, October 27, 2016


Last week was MEA for Minnesota schools.  I don't even know what MEA stands for but I do know that as a kid I absolutely LOVED that weekend.  I also remember thinking it took forever for MEA to get here.  As an adult, it feels like it was just last weekend that we were celebrating Labor Day and then taking First Day of School pictures!  How are we already to MEA?!?!  Also, since when does MEA cover Wednesday, Thursday and Friday!?!?  Way back in the Olden Days we only got Thursday and Friday off.
I think it's safe to say Kade's very first MEA was a blast.  On Wednesday Erik took the afternoon off and we went to a huge playground/pumpkin patch with cousins Violet and Isaac.  On Thursday Kade got to go to daycare with Mason.  On Friday they spent the day at Grandpa and Grandma H's and then got to have a sleepover Friday night at Grandpa and Grandma C's!  By Sunday they (and everyone else who took a turn with these 2 Tasmanian Devils) were exhausted.

Pictures from the pumpkin patch.

We were trying to get a grand kid picture for a Christmas present for Grandma.
Sorry, Grandma, this is the best we could do.  Not quite framing material.

Attempt #2 at a cute grand kid's picture ended up with one of Erik's face and one of Erik's mid-section.
We'll keep trying!!

Oh dear.  Mase in jail.  Not good.

At the end of the day we all could've used a rest in the back of the wagon!
Busy kids, beautiful day…life is good!

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