Wednesday, October 19, 2016

A couple Wednesday's ago Mason and I took a trip to the apple orchard.  We didn't actually pick any apples because that sounds like more than a One Man Operation trying to pick out good apples off of the tree and not lose Mason in the 200+ acres of crop!  Instead we just played and then bought a couple bags on our way out.

Seriously…that smile.

Mason was in Mou Heaven with these decorations!
I should have asked where they got them, they'd be the perfect Christmas present for him.

Mice…rats…what's the difference!

Since Kade was in school and didn't get to join us on this outing, I can't forget to add a few pictures of the handsome devil!

Don't be fooled by his grin!  This was a forced snuggle and he was trying to bat the phone out of my hand.  I just got lucky in that split second that he appeared to be smiling!

Kade was Student of the Week last week for Phy-Ed!!
I asked him what he did to deserve the honor and he said he picked up 8 balls and everyone else only picked up 2.  So, either the Phy-Ed teachers have extremely low standards when choosing OR Kade has no clue how he actually earned it.  I'm going with Option 2.

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