Thursday, July 7, 2016

Parades and Parties

Having to work Thursday's again has really put a damper on my summer.  I missed Gopher Count because I had to work.  Luckily Erik took the day off so he could take the boys to the parade…by the way, parades on Thursday mornings?  Not at all convenient for the working crowd!

A bunch of the boy's friends happened to be at the parade too!

I love this picture.  It's a zoomed in picture from the original.  Guess what's coming up in the parade…a tractor!!  This kid LOVES tractors!

After the parade it's play time!!!

Erik said the boys couldn't get enough of the slide.  
Apparently Mason was shoving kids out of the way because he couldn't get up there fast enough.  I call Mason "My Little Playground Thug".  He's got 2 year old attitude with the size and strength of a 4 year old.

After play time it's fair food time!!!

Mini donuts!!  
Can you believe they actually saved a couple for me?!?!  I'm not sure if I would've done the same (or maybe I should say "could've")  :-)

They ran into our old neighbors, Michael and Taylor!!
What do you do when you run into old friends?  Share a step and a frozen treat, of course!!

The following weekend was Erik's sister, Erin and her husband, Kurt's, wedding celebration at the farm.  

We kind of clean up pretty well!!

Kade and cousin Carter.  Carter looks super cute, Kade looks super freaky.
That was the day Kade lost his tooth so instead of smiling like a normal human being, he thought he had to show everyone what was missing.

The day after the wedding picnic, we had a birthday party to attend!

Harper and Mason
No pressure, but if these 2 get married, we are more than set with super cute pictures of the super cute couple!

Kade's buddies from school!  
Nolan, Tucker, Kade and Charlie
It was Tucker's birthday party and his friends were more than willing to help him celebrate!

Celebrations, celebrations and celebrations!
We love summer.

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