Thursday, July 21, 2016

Kade hates haircuts.  He's hated haircuts since his very first one when he was under 1 year old.  He screams like we are tearing out his nails.  Every.Single.Time.  This past one was no exception.  I was shaving his head and he was crying like a little school girl.  I was trying to shave his neck but he wouldn't look down far enough so I finally said, "Look down at your penis!".  His response: "I CAN'T FIND MY PENIS!!  I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE IT IS!!!"  Ohhhh Kado…..

The little, red, electric four wheeler has been out of commission for quite sometime.  Mason is finally big enough to reach the pedal so every time he'd go in the shed he would sit on it to see if it worked.  It was tearing at the Tall Guy's heartstrings so he got help from the man who knows everything, Neighbor Jerry.  He had it running in no time. 

Lessons from big brother Kade...

…and they're off!

Nothing like a little "follow the leader" to learn how to ride!

Ahh, summer sled rides.  
Welcome back little red 4-wheeler!!
*I should make a note of Kade's outfit in the above picture.  No, it's not -20 and no we did not under dress Mason.  Remember a long time ago how I said Kade dresses the part for every activity he plays?  Yeah, he still does.  So, the jeans, boots, winter coat with the hood up….he was hunting in Alaska at the time.  Yes, it was about 90 degrees out that day.  Yes, I tried to talk him out of it.  Obviously I lost.   And yes, he still changes his clothes, on average, 5 times a day.  
Ohhhhh Kado :-)

Mason helping Aunt Jenna and Uncle Jay move into their new house!

My little snuggle buddy with his favorite blanket and his favorite shirt.  
Life is good!

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