Thursday, July 14, 2016

For the past couple weeks Mason has been trying out a new word.  He says it, oh I don't know, maybe 8 billion times a day?  One night while the boys were having their usual conversation before bed (they still share a room), Mason sounded like he was stuck on repeat saying it--to the point that Kade got so annoyed he slept on the floor in our room.  The more you tell him to stop saying it, the more funny he thinks he is so he just says it louder and more often.  And he says it anywhere, at anytime, without any regard as to who is around.  
The word?  Butt hole.  Yep, that's right.  Erik says, "hey, at least he isn't saying "*ss hole", right?!"  My BF Megan says it's the cutest sounding use of the word she's ever heard and she just laughs every time he says it (you'd think a mother of 4 would know better!).  I've been trying to get him to say "button" instead, but he's smart.  He knows that's not as cool of a word.  So, until this stage passes we must continue to listen to the cutest little use of the word "butt hole" there ever was.

Here's a bunch of pictures from our 4th of July weekend.  

We hijacked the pool while Papa Rich and Grandma Holiday (Sharon) were away at Megan's house!  They missed quite a party!

L to R:  Mason, Trey, Kade, Charolotte, Charlie, Tucker, Harper, Paityn

Love this picture!

Tucker and Kade--the look-a-likes

Another picture to add to Harper and Mason's wedding album :-)

Just a bunch of studs, I mean Dads, chillin' in the water.

Mason, Charlotte and Harper

The boys made 4th of July hats at daycare.  My plan was to get them both wearing them at the same time and get their picture under my one 4th decoration.  Nothing goes as planned with a 2 and 5 year old though.

I bribed Kade and told him he couldn't go swimming if he didn't wear it.  
Look at that beautiful smile!

Mason, on the other hand, is too young to understand bribes.  And, of course, he wanted nothing to do with his hat.  
I had Kade help me out in trying to get a split second picture.  It didn't go so well….

Instead we settled on this beauty...
Still pretty darn cute!!

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