Friday, July 1, 2016

I took a look back at June pictures and realized I've left out 2 posts worth of pictures!  It's been so busy I've been posting about our outings but I left out a fun night "in" we had a couple weeks ago.  It was pouring rain and the boys were having fun running and playing in it.  

There are a couple videos of Erik and I racing Kade in the rain too.  I've purposely left them out because:
1.  It wasn't my best run (read: Kade beats me, handily) and I'm just not ready to accept that yet (read:  I want a rematch)
2.  Kade made Erik take his shirt off for their race and no one wants to see a shirtless old man running in the rain!
3.  It turns out, the older I get the more I run like my mom.  That needs to be remedied STAT because that was one of the main sources of entertainment in my youth--watching my mom "run".  Karma--making fun of my mom has come back to haunt me!

Kade loves to pull his shorts up to get a laugh out of people.  It works too….cracks me up every time I look at the following pictures!

A rare moment of snuggling with my boys on the hammock while we watched the storm blow through.

My dad has been working on teaching Mason how to wink.
This is the best he's got so far...

Personally, I think that is the best wink I've ever seen!  But, I may be a bit biased.

Black eyes...

…and missing teeth.
Must've been one heck of a wrestling match!  

Just kidding, Mason is crazy sensitive to bug bites.  He swells up and gets giant welts wherever the mosquitoes get him.  And mosquitoes LOVE Mason!  He can have 20 bites while the rest of us don't get any.  Poor kid.  The only thing I can think of is that he's super delicious, I mean I can't resist him either so I can't blame the darn skeeters!  But, one little bite by his eye caused a swollen, black eye for 2 days.  
It just so happens that Kade lost his first tooth on the same day as Mason's eye.  So, they both looked a bit rough!!

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