Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Week In Review

Frantic search for new daycare after our current provider informed us she's moving to a new town--I wanted to cry but I was a big girl and held it in :-(  After calling at least 20 providers, we finally got 3 interviews lined up for the week.

Mason's birthday!!  He had a party at daycare with his ladies (he's the only boy with 5 girls).

And, we had cake and presents with just the four of us before heading out to meet Daycare #1.

Present opening time!

He was so excited, Erik couldn't put it together fast enough!

The finished product.

He couldn't wait for the birthday song and candle lighting, the frosting looked too good to resist!

Home with mom all day.  Evening interviews with Daycare's 2 & 3 (we decided to go with lucky number 3!!).  

Kade's Valentines party at school.  I couldn't get work off but Erik took the afternoon to help out with the Valentine's Carnival.

Kade's on the left with his friends, Charlie and Tucker.  
I just had to include this picture for Melissa (the mom running the game) because I just found out she's one of my 5 blog readers!

A better picture of Tucker, Charlie and Kade

Erik appearing very excited to be there :-)

I just love this picture of Charlie and Kade in the background.
It looks like Kade is telling a very interesting story but I don't think Charlie is buying it.

After work we had Mason's birthday party with family.
Helping Dad and Kade clean up while Mom was leaving work and picking up food for the party.

Present opening time!!

Seriously.  Is there anything cuter than kids in goggles?!?!

Kade was most excited about the basement basketball game.
There were some extremely sweaty gentlemen in our house after that game!!  

Mason hanging with his grandpas.

Rosy red cheeks and abs of steel.  I could eat this kid!!!

Kurt, Grandpa H, Mase and Grandpa C.  
Life is good!!

It was Kade's last soccer game.  I also took Mason into the doctor because he needed round 2 of medicine to get rid of his double ear infection.  
Erik and I went out that evening for a Valentine's dinner with 4 other couples (the parent's of Kade's school friends).  We stayed out until 2:00 am!!  The boys had a sleep over at the farm.

Erik and I woke up to discover we are way too old to be staying out until 2:00 am.  The boys came home just in time for a playdate with my old high school friends.  4 moms, 3 dads, 13 kids.

Kaden, Owen, Ellie, Kamden, Kade, Jack, Rylee, Mason, Kellan, Kollin, Braeden 
(Jaxon and Spencer weren't there yet when this picture was taken)


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