Thursday, February 4, 2016

Snow Days

We had a pretty decent snowstorm hit us on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Schools were closed, Erik worked from home and I left work early on Tuesday (I always have Wednesday's off).  The boys got along great, played well together and we managed to get outside to enjoy the weather both days!

Erik says this is how a snowmobile should look after riding it!

Painting when Mom is in charge...

Painting when Dad is in charge…

Pajamas?  Check.
Popcorn?  Check.
Movie?  Check.
Snow Days are complete!!

We don't have a lot of hills to sled down around here.  Our driveway works pretty well but it was really windy yesterday and hard to sled down it.  Kade and I discovered a "hill", out of the wind, that's actually kind of amazing!  Erik made it even better by building it up so we could go further.

Sorry for my REALLY annoying voice but every time Mason farts or poops he says "Pew Pew!!" and then blames it on everyone else but himself.  I tried to get it on film but of course he wasn't doing what he was supposed to then!  He's still pretty darn cute though!!  Especially when he says Kade's name, "Dade-O".

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