Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Happy 2nd Birthday, Mason!

I say this every year but I can't believe 2 years have passed since you came into our lives!!  I remember it like it was yesterday, which I know every mother says as well.

You continue to light up our lives!  Your giggle is infectious, your smile is to die for (although whenever the camera comes out your face goes completely expressionless!), and you are the most amazing snuggler/hugger a mom could ask for!  When you were a baby we used to put you in "the sleeper hold", your head on our shoulders, and you'd fall asleep immediately.  That is still, by far, your most favorite snuggle position.  The problem is, you are a very big boy and you prefer that snuggle position with the holder standing up so it doesn't last too long before our arms go numb!  We're still working on snuggling while sitting down, it's getting better but you can put up quite a fight to get us to stand up and hold you!

You continue to add more words to your vocabulary every day.  Your favorite words are "na night" (as in, your favorite blanket in all the land), "mou" (mouse), and "Dade-O" (Kade-O).  You absolutely LOVE to make Kade laugh.  And you will do anything necessary for that to happen, even naughty things!  But, then you smile and giggle and it's impossible to discipline you (although, I'm kind of tough, so I do it anyway!).

We love you so much, our big baby boy!!  Happy Birthday to our favorite TWO year old!!!

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