Thursday, February 25, 2016

Mason 2 Year Stats and Other Shenanigans

Mason had his 2 year appt last week.  Everything is great, his ears are cleared up and he's BIG.  Bigger than Kade was.  My back definitely concurs with what the scale is telling us!

The Stats:
Height:  3 ft  0.4 inches  94%
Weight:  35 lbs    >97%

Kade's 2 year stats for comparison:
Height:  3 ft 0.2 inches    93%
Weight:  32.4 lbs  90%

The boys were like bulls in a china shop during the appointment.  Containing them in the doctor's office was one sweaty task.  At one point they were using the stirrups as a steering wheel for a pretend snowmobile.  I'm sure they'll appreciate that story when they get older :-)
They were also wrestling all over the place.  Kade had Mason, literally, bent in half.  I got Kade off immediately but Mason definitely pulled something because he was crying and couldn't walk.  Of course, it would be my luck that my kid would break his leg AT the doctor's office.  Luckily he walked it off and was fine.

Wrestling at the doctor's office.  I think this was taken before the bending in half incident.

Is this not the saddest 2 year old you've ever seen?!?  
He got stuck in the mud during our unseasonably warm weather.

Kade took this picture with my phone.  
My brown eyed boy.


This post is late but better than never, right?!  This year we watched the Super Bowl with our old neighbor's.  The boys didn't really watch the game.  Instead, they were construction men…

However, the half time show definitely held their attention.  These 4 little white boys don't have the best dance moves I've ever seen but they did their best to keep up with Beyonce!
Kade's dance move scares me a little...

Mason, Taylor, Kade and Michael


I forgot to put this in a post, it's a note I received from Kade's teacher back in January.  Proud Mom Moment:

"Sweetest comment today came from your little boy!!!  During morning play I forgot to let a group of the kids go to the gym so when there was 10 minutes left I told the group of kids they could go to the gym (play area) and one of the boys had a mess to clean up.  I told him to clean really fast so he didn't miss his gym time.  The boy said, "I really don't want to miss my gym time", so Kade turned to him and said, "You can go to the gym, I will clean up your toys, I don't want you to miss your gym time!"  What a sweetheart!!  That was soooo nice of Kade to clean up for him.  What a sweetheart!!  Good job mom and dad!!!!"

She also recently sent me this note along with the picture.  This one has me a little worried that he's becoming quite the ladies man…

"Hi Kristi, wanted to send this to you.  I think this is Kade's favorite thing to do at school!  Play house with the girls!  Right before I took the picture he had his arm around Avery!"

Oh Kado, what are we going to do with you??

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Week In Review

Frantic search for new daycare after our current provider informed us she's moving to a new town--I wanted to cry but I was a big girl and held it in :-(  After calling at least 20 providers, we finally got 3 interviews lined up for the week.

Mason's birthday!!  He had a party at daycare with his ladies (he's the only boy with 5 girls).

And, we had cake and presents with just the four of us before heading out to meet Daycare #1.

Present opening time!

He was so excited, Erik couldn't put it together fast enough!

The finished product.

He couldn't wait for the birthday song and candle lighting, the frosting looked too good to resist!

Home with mom all day.  Evening interviews with Daycare's 2 & 3 (we decided to go with lucky number 3!!).  

Kade's Valentines party at school.  I couldn't get work off but Erik took the afternoon to help out with the Valentine's Carnival.

Kade's on the left with his friends, Charlie and Tucker.  
I just had to include this picture for Melissa (the mom running the game) because I just found out she's one of my 5 blog readers!

A better picture of Tucker, Charlie and Kade

Erik appearing very excited to be there :-)

I just love this picture of Charlie and Kade in the background.
It looks like Kade is telling a very interesting story but I don't think Charlie is buying it.

After work we had Mason's birthday party with family.
Helping Dad and Kade clean up while Mom was leaving work and picking up food for the party.

Present opening time!!

Seriously.  Is there anything cuter than kids in goggles?!?!

Kade was most excited about the basement basketball game.
There were some extremely sweaty gentlemen in our house after that game!!  

Mason hanging with his grandpas.

Rosy red cheeks and abs of steel.  I could eat this kid!!!

Kurt, Grandpa H, Mase and Grandpa C.  
Life is good!!

It was Kade's last soccer game.  I also took Mason into the doctor because he needed round 2 of medicine to get rid of his double ear infection.  
Erik and I went out that evening for a Valentine's dinner with 4 other couples (the parent's of Kade's school friends).  We stayed out until 2:00 am!!  The boys had a sleep over at the farm.

Erik and I woke up to discover we are way too old to be staying out until 2:00 am.  The boys came home just in time for a playdate with my old high school friends.  4 moms, 3 dads, 13 kids.

Kaden, Owen, Ellie, Kamden, Kade, Jack, Rylee, Mason, Kellan, Kollin, Braeden 
(Jaxon and Spencer weren't there yet when this picture was taken)


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Happy 2nd Birthday, Mason!

I say this every year but I can't believe 2 years have passed since you came into our lives!!  I remember it like it was yesterday, which I know every mother says as well.

You continue to light up our lives!  Your giggle is infectious, your smile is to die for (although whenever the camera comes out your face goes completely expressionless!), and you are the most amazing snuggler/hugger a mom could ask for!  When you were a baby we used to put you in "the sleeper hold", your head on our shoulders, and you'd fall asleep immediately.  That is still, by far, your most favorite snuggle position.  The problem is, you are a very big boy and you prefer that snuggle position with the holder standing up so it doesn't last too long before our arms go numb!  We're still working on snuggling while sitting down, it's getting better but you can put up quite a fight to get us to stand up and hold you!

You continue to add more words to your vocabulary every day.  Your favorite words are "na night" (as in, your favorite blanket in all the land), "mou" (mouse), and "Dade-O" (Kade-O).  You absolutely LOVE to make Kade laugh.  And you will do anything necessary for that to happen, even naughty things!  But, then you smile and giggle and it's impossible to discipline you (although, I'm kind of tough, so I do it anyway!).

We love you so much, our big baby boy!!  Happy Birthday to our favorite TWO year old!!!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Snow Days

We had a pretty decent snowstorm hit us on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Schools were closed, Erik worked from home and I left work early on Tuesday (I always have Wednesday's off).  The boys got along great, played well together and we managed to get outside to enjoy the weather both days!

Erik says this is how a snowmobile should look after riding it!

Painting when Mom is in charge...

Painting when Dad is in charge…

Pajamas?  Check.
Popcorn?  Check.
Movie?  Check.
Snow Days are complete!!

We don't have a lot of hills to sled down around here.  Our driveway works pretty well but it was really windy yesterday and hard to sled down it.  Kade and I discovered a "hill", out of the wind, that's actually kind of amazing!  Erik made it even better by building it up so we could go further.

Sorry for my REALLY annoying voice but every time Mason farts or poops he says "Pew Pew!!" and then blames it on everyone else but himself.  I tried to get it on film but of course he wasn't doing what he was supposed to then!  He's still pretty darn cute though!!  Especially when he says Kade's name, "Dade-O".