Friday, September 18, 2015

And He's Off to Preschool...

Time's are a changin' around here.  I now work 4 days a week, instead of 3.  Erik now does pick up after work and I do drop off in the mornings.  The boys now go to grandpa and grandma's one day a week.  And the biggest change of all is….Kade started preschool!!  I thought I would be ready for that day but I wasn't.  I did manage to hold in my tears but I was definitely choked up!  He did really great though so that made it easier!  

I was expecting tears at drop off because that is definitely what Kade does in new situations but there weren't any!!  Although, there wasn't really time for them.  The instructor said hi, gave him his name tag and then said, "Ok, good bye mom!" and whisked him away.  I didn't even have a chance to give him a hug, a kiss, or a "have a good day" speech!!!  He's done great every day after that as well.  Whew!

What I wasn't expecting was tears from Mason but he definitely had some big, sad tears for me on the first day.  I've never done drop off for daycare because I used to work 5:30 am to 4:00 pm.  It was a change for him and he didn't like it.  He was over it by the next day though--he didn't even bother to turn to look at me as he waved good bye.  He just waved behind his head as he was running to the breakfast table.

So far so good with all of the changes.  We have more time together as a family in the evenings, Kade loves preschool (he even said he wishes the days were longer so he can spend more time at school) and Mason is doing great at daycare, even though big brother is no longer there with him.  And I still get one day during the week to be home with my boys.  Life is good!  

The start of a new tradition.  Back-to-back pictures with the boys on their first day of school.  
Any bets as to what grade he'll be taller than me?  Erik says 1st grade.  The sad thing is, Mason is on track to be just as tall as Kade so both boys could be towering over me by the time they are 10!

September 14, 2015
Preschool (Transition's class)

Mason woke up kind of grumpy that morning and wanted nothing to do with picture taking, but...

I took them anyway :-)

Another preschool mom sent these pictures to me.  The boy in the black is 2 months older than Kade, the boy in the red is 4 months younger.  And Kade is a whole head taller than both!  

The class is 3 days a week, full days because it's for the young 5 year olds that didn't start Kindergarten.  In the mornings, I drop him off at the elementary school and then he hops on the bus to go to his school.  In the afternoons he rides the bus back to the elementary school and then gets on a different bus to go home where Erik is waiting for him at the end of the driveway.  The last bus ride has both elementary and high school kids on it.  I was really worried about that ride but he LOVES it, it's one of his favorite parts of the day!  What makes it even better is all of the kids from our old neighborhood are on that bus so he gets to see his old buddies!!

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