Friday, July 10, 2015

Since the 4th was on a Saturday Erik and I both had Friday off of work.  Which meant that I had Wed-Sun off and since our daycare was on vacation, we decided to take a mini vacation as well.  We went camping in the middle of the week (with all of the pictures we took, that's a post on it's own), we celebrated cousins Violet's birthday and Isaac's baptism and of course we celebrated the 4th of July!  It was a great "stay-cation" which sometimes make for the best vacations!

Mason has us figured out.  Since the boys share a room, and summer means a lot less sleep (who wants to go inside for bed when it's so amazing outside?!), if either one wakes up we rush into their room to get them before they wake the other.  Usually it's Mason waking up early.  Too early.  But if we bring him into our bed he'll immediately fall back to sleep.  Dad can't resist his little snuggle buddy :-)

Boys looking handsome in their Sunday best!

I wonder if Grandpa H is teething too?

We actually managed to get a decent family picture!  Everyone is looking at the camera anyway.
Left to right: Mason, me, Kade and Erik, Sarah and Michael (Erik's brother), Jenna (Erik's sister), Isaac, Jay and Violet, Kurt and Erin (Erik's sister--they're newly engaged!!), Bill and Melody (Erik's parents)

Great Grandpa H!

For the 4th we went to the pool, like usual.  I kind of forgot to take pictures but we did get a couple from the annual end of the day hay wagon ride.  Although there was no hay, so Kade called it a bench ride :-)

 I'm a lucky gal to have such handsome boys keep me company on the bench ride!  

Happy 4th of July!!

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