Thursday, July 23, 2015

Na Night and Neighs

Just a quick post this week about the most pressing matters in the lives of Mason and Kade.  

For Mason, these days his life is revolving around his "na night" blanket.  He's never been a thumb sucker and refused a pacifier from day 1 but very recently he's become permanently attached to a blanket.  We've used it since he was tiny because it's one of those loosely crocheted light blankets with holes so he could still breathe even if it covered his face.  It's big, it's itchy (if you ask me) and it's white.  All the makings of a not-so-perfect attachment blanket but attached Mason is!  He carries it all around the house, we have major negotiations when he tries to take it outside.  I sneak it to the washing machine, I hide it from him during the day and if he wasn't so darn cute loving on the thing I would get rid of it.  
The other day Erik was mowing the lawn (Mason's favorite past time) and he was holding the blanket.  I told him he couldn't go on the lawn mower with Na Night (it's not-so-original name).  You could literally see him weighing out the pros and cons in his head!  He looked back and forth from Na Night to the lawn mower trying to decide which one he loved more.  He finally walked away from Na Night and towards the lawn mower.  Then he stopped, looked back at Na Night just laying there and ran back to it, scooped it up, pushed his face into it and sat down and watched Erik as he mowed the lawn.  He loves Na Night more than the lawn mower.

Kade losing to Mase and Na Night

See what I'm saying about the cutie pie and his blanket?

The other week we went to the fair.  There was a pony ride that Kade was begging to go on.  I refused to spend money on that when he can ride for free at Grandma H's (although he never has).  I also felt bad for the horses being tied up and forced to walk in a circle in the hot summer.  I know, I can't believe I just said I felt bad for the horses but I do have a heart (even if I have no room in my heart for a horse :-)  Anyway, I was hoping he'd forget about it but through out the week he kept bringing up how much he wanted to ride Grandma's horses.  He finally asked grandma and she said he had to ask me (she knows how much I don't love horses) and I just said, "As long as I'm not there to see it".  Well, I wasn't there...

She texted these pictures to Erik and he responded, "Do you think these pictures will make the blog?" and she said, "No.  Kristi does the blog."  See Melody?  Miracles do happen!!  And, for the record, he does look pretty darn cute on the darn neigh :-)

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