Friday, July 17, 2015

Like I said, our mid week camping trip we took the week of the 4th deserves it's own post because of all the of pictures we took!  We'd never been to this campground before but we will definitely be going back.  It was awesome!  

There was a mini beach next to a little river so we could play in the sand and throw rocks in the water.  Is there anything more relaxing than tossing rocks in water and watching the splash?  Well, as relaxing as it can get with a 17 month old who has absolutely no fear and no concept of danger.  I might've used the phrase, "You boys wear me out!" a few times on this trip :-)

Mase wasn't so sure of the feeling of sand beneath his feet.  We might have to remedy that with a trip to the Gulf of Mexico this winter!

They had these cool go carts that you could rent for a couple bucks.  Kade begged and pleaded for a turn after seeing a couple other kids riding them.  I don't think he realized that he actually had to work to make them move :-)

He wasn't too happy to give up his spot to me so Mason and I could go for a ride too.

And they had this awesome jumping pad/pillow thingy.  It was filled by an air compressor and the thing was huge!  The kids absolutely LOVED it.  I had fun on it too, my favorite part was jumping next to the kids and launching them in the air (side note:  I didn't do that to Mason--although he's the kid who would've loved it the most!)

Big cousin Reed in the background is pretty handy to have around!  He does a great job watching out for Mason.

Take a look at Kade's shadow in this picture.  Doesn't it look a little like Michael Jordan's "Jump Man" logo?  Let's hope that this is a bit of "foreshadowing" as I'd love to retire in the Bahamas, living off of Kado the Tornado's NBA salary :-)

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