Friday, April 3, 2015

KC Part 2

Saturday was Vivienne's 3rd birthday party.  It was a Doc McStuffins theme.  Vivi might just have been the cutest party girl there ever was in her adorable outfit.  I tried to get her to stand still for a picture but that's next to impossible.  It's hard to see in these pictures but her custom made outfit has her name embroidered under the number 3.  So stinkin' cute!!

Kade was not happy to pose for this picture.  Mainly because Vivi is holding a yard stick in her hand and no one was safe next to her.  Kade bolted as soon as the picture was snapped.

Kade was so happy there was a boy his age there so they could play bean bags together.

Mason loved Moxie and Mojo and they loved to lick his face.  This window was the perfect height for them to stare lovingly into each other's eyes but not have to deal with a face full of slobber.

My handsome little Mason with his heart shaped tongue.  I think we've decided we're going to get it snipped.  It really is tied tight and we don't want him to have any issues with his speech when it's such an easy correction.  We'll find out more information in a couple months.

And then there's this guy!  His tongue is the opposite of tied as he can lick his nose with that sucker.  He seems to stick it out more now that he knows Mason can't.  Isn't that what big brothers are for though?

And there's my cheesy grinner.

I had to bribe these 3 with food in order to get them to take this picture!

After a day full of partying on Saturday we got to do it all over again on Sunday!  This time Noella was the guest of honor.  She looked beautiful in her baptism dress.  She is part of the 4th generation to wear it!  It all started with her great grandma C (my grandma).

Noella and her mom, Evelyn.

Funny story about these pictures.  The pastor wanted big sister Vivi to be part of the service so he asked her to pour the water into the baptismal font when her baby sister came up.  You can sort of see the glass pitcher on the altar in the picture.  It was a somewhat successful endeavor, she at least put her hand on the glass while he poured.  Anyway, at one point during the service he backed up a little too far and bumped into it.  The pitcher started wobbling, luckily he caught it before it went crashing down.  It was completely silent in the church as everyone held their breath waiting for the crash.  Everyone except Mason that is.  He let out a very loud, very clear, "UH OH!!!".  The timing could not have been more perfect!!

Evelyn's sister, Robin and I are the lucky ladies who get to be Noella's Godmothers!

Mason hanging out with Evelyn's mom

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