Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Easter Weekend

It was a busy Easter weekend!  It started Friday after work when we hosted a pizza party with Owen, Ellie, Rylee, Braeden, Collin and their parents.  The kids had a blast tearing up the basement and playing basketball in the driveway.

Saturday, Erik played in the 7th annual high school alumni basketball tournament.  Amazingly his team once again took 1st place out of 8 teams!  I say it's amazing because most of his team graduated high school about 20 years ago and most of the teams they beat graduated high school within the last 5 years.  I'm not sure how long they'll be able to keep up their 1st or 2nd place streak.  These "boys" aren't getting any younger and it shows in the days following the tournament.  Who am I kidding, those aches and pains are showing up hours after the tournament and lasting for days!  Kade and Owen carried a basketball with them the entire day and shot baskets during time outs, half times and in between games.  Then they went home and shot more baskets!  Mason just moved around and constantly got into things he shouldn't have, such as random player's gym bags.  He had fun doing it though!
The winners with their biggest fans!  
Kade is on the far left (with Owen), sporting his "vintage" Kevin Love Timberwolves jersey.  Yep, he still dresses for what he's playing!

Easter Sunday the boys woke up to find Easter baskets full of goodies and eggs hidden all around the house.  We don't have the Easter bunny come because Kade still doesn't want a big, creepy bunny hopping around his house while we're sleeping.  Instead, mom and dad hide the eggs.  It works out well for us because we don't have to answer the 1 million, extremely detailed questions Kade would ask about the bunny.  We can't keep track of all the details we've shared about Santa, I can't imagine trying to remember the bunny too!  After the hunt we went to church, then to my parents and then to Erik's parents.  Needless to say, we all crashed early on Sunday night!!

I put money in some of the eggs.  Every time Kade found one he'd say, "UGH!!  More money?!?!"  Yeah, he obviously doesn't pay for anything yet :-)

Mason liked to throw the eggs on the floor as hard as he could then laugh when it broke open.

Once again it's handy having a super tall dad!  

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