Thursday, March 26, 2015

Kansas City Here We Come!

Last weekend we made the long trek to KC for Vivienne's 3rd birthday party and Noella's baptism.  When we drove to WI Dells in January both boys were screaming their heads off after 2 hours of driving.  We were more than a little concerned about this drive, since it's about 7 hours on a good day.  They did fine but we called it after about 4 hours and got a hotel room.  Kade was excited to swim in the pool and we were excited to put the boys to bed so we could catch a few games in the 1st round of the NCAA tournament!

We've been so busy that we forgot to fill out a bracket!  However, it's a given that we cheer for 1. a Big Ten team and if that's not an option then 2. the underdogs.  Kade always asks us who we are cheering for and then he usually agrees that he's going to cheer for that team as well.  Except, he changes his mind when there's 1 second left and decides to cheer for whoever is going to win.  He's been having fun telling us the scores (who knew that watching March Madness could also double as a lesson in learning numbers for a 4 year old?  It's a win-win!!) and picking out his favorite players.  It's usually the guy who has the flashiest shoes out on the court.

Pool time!!!

We had initially decided Mason wasn't going to swim since his burns were freshly healed and we didn't want to risk an infection.  But when he saw Kade jumping in and splashing around there was no possible way we could keep him out.  Mason loves to swim too!

We got to Kansas City early afternoon on Friday and we immediately went to the park to burn off some Crazy Kid Energy!

Snack time in the middle of the basketball court.

Mason's got a little learning to do on how to go down a slide properly.  He starts out well but tips over half way down and we're never quite sure how he's going to end up :-)

The boys and the girls…and the creeper behind the pole.

Notice Mason's pants?  The silly Minnesotan's weren't properly prepared for the sun and 75-80 degree weather that KC had in store for us.  Yes, we checked the weather before we left but we couldn't quite wrap our heads around it.  And, being from Minnesota, we thought for sure Mother Nature would say "Just kidding!" and then send us 40 degrees and rain.  Thank goodness I packed sunscreen because we had to reapply it at least 3 times a day and Kade still got sunburned.


Hard to believe there's only 10 months separating these 2!  And Noella had Mason beat in birth weight! She seems so tiny next to him.

Next up, party pictures!!

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