Wednesday, March 18, 2015

It's been a pretty quiet week, thank goodness.  So this week is just a post with some cute pictures that didn't make it into previous posts.

Kade and Violet riding in style.

I bought a few new headbands and the boys took them away the minute I cut the tags off.  Kade thought he looked like a basketball player.  I can only assume Mason thought he looked like a ninja.

Mason loves basketball!  

We had some warm weather last week!  Not as warm as Kade thought it was though.  He told me he couldn't wear a shirt because we were playing Shirts vs Skins and I was wearing a shirt already.  Can't blame his logic though because I definitely wasn't going to be on the Skins team! 

The boys got haircuts last week.  Kade wanted his hair spikey.  Can't believe my 4 year old puts more product in his hair than I do!

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