Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The moment you all have been waiting for!

Well this is the moment you all have been waiting for.  Dad is doing a post and it's not even 2015 yet!  So hold on and buckle your seat belts people!

There has been a lot going on at our new home in the country as pointed out in previous posts.  Lots of outside jobs which Dad and Kade absolutely love.  Little to early to know for sure if Mason will share the same enthusiam for the outdoors, but if the past week is any indication I think he will.  He comes trucking on all four pretty quickly if we head towards the door with our jackets on.  Mom picks him up and he leans and reaches out to follow us…or maybe just Kade.  Mason doesn't let Kade out of his site for very long!

As combines and dual wheel tractors starting roaming over the fields this fall harvesting crops Kade's head was on a swivel as we drove down the roads.  Even mom points out dual wheel tractors, combines, and bobcats now as we travel down the road.  Way to go mom!!

Kade knows the names of several local farmers (Ed, Wayne, Dave, Bob, Jack to name a few) and it just so happens that Ed owns the land around us.  Ed is Grandpa and Grandma's neighbor so Ed is frequently sited out in his fields near their and now at our house as well.

Look what showed up in our driveway one day! No way.  A DUAL WHEEL TRACTOR!!

There must be a combine somewhere.  Sure enough there it was and even the combine had dual wheels Kade said!  Ed stopped to ask Kade if he wanted a ride in the combine, but unfortunately Kade was to shy to take Ed up on his offer.  Well, as luck would have it, Ed was still out in the field later that evening when Kade and I were outside probably just doing outside stuff in the dark.  Who knows what.  Ed stopped again and asked Kade if he wanted a ride.  So Kade and I hopped up into the combine and made several rounds with Ed.  "Can we just ride one more round dad, please, please, please"!!!  We even got a couple pieces of candy out of the deal.  Thanks Ed!  Next year we'll need to squish three of us on the buddy seat.

A few weeks later look what showed up in our yard! Is that an excevator in the background!  More fun machinery to watch in action!  I guess Kade thinks he's #1!!!  Kade and Mason both enjoyed watching the excavator, dump trucks, and skid loader (skid loader with tracks on it as Kade would say) prep a site for our new shed.

The result of a few hours of work. Yeah, it's nothing huge.  36X40.  Plenty big for our toys though.  I figure if I fill this up and a two car garage I have to much stuff anyway and should get rid of something!     In fact they are starting on the shed bright and early tomorrow morning so it won't be very long at all and we'll be able to start putting in our camper, four wheeler, snowmobile, trailers, lawn mower, a few tools, air compressor, the boys outside toys, maybe a basketball hoop, and other misc items.  Shoot.  I think I should have made it bigger!!

You gotta love Mason's reaction as he prepared for in his very first Thanksgiving meal. Or maybe it was just a "so big".  He had the works all blended up together and he loved it.  Topped it off with a couple bites of pumpkin pie and ice cream.  Is it nap time yet?

The three crazy kids that provided us all with tons of entertainment, laughter, and joy throughout the day.  Looks like Kade just got in from playing snow football with Uncle Jay.  The single digit temps didn't slow those two down!

Mason and Violet were all smiles watching Great Grandpa work magic with his cane!

A couple Thanksgiving 2014 family photos.

Mom was at work the day after Thanksgiving.  Mason helped me get lunch ready for us boys.

Kade and I made a run to town on Sunday afternoon.  Neither one of us like to go to town on the weekend, but we were due for haircuts.  We got haircuts, ate at Subway, Kade got new shoes, and we picked out a Christmas tree all in a 2 hour trip.  Here is Kade showing off his new haircut.  He is only 4, really.  This picture and his size 1 shoes may make you think otherwise though.

Time to decorate for Christmas!  Mason checking out the snowman making sure he isn't melting.

All soft decorations were put on the tree this year.  Next year Kade will take care of the upper half of the tree and mom the lower half.  The top third of the tree is missing decorations this year!

I can't wait to spend a whole bunch of time over the holidays with my amazing and loving family.

Wishing you all a very joyous and happy holiday season!  Happy holidays!

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