Tuesday, December 23, 2014

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

The holiday celebrations just keep on coming for us!  I can't keep up with all the pictures!  This definitely is the most wonderful time of the year: the music, the food, the decorations, spending time with family and friends and seeing it all through Kade and Mason's eyes makes everything more exciting.  Children truly do make this blessed season so much more special.

Making chocolate dipped pretzels with Grandma and Grandpa C.  Kade and Grandpa were supposed to be in charge of the sprinkles but Grandpa lost Kade after about 2 minutes.  Kade was more interested in tasting the goods, making sure the rest of us were safe to eat it.

Grandma H with Violet and Kade, frosting cookies at our annual cookie baking extravaganza.  Kade was a bit more focused this time than he was with the sprinkles job.  Violet, however, spent more time frosting her tongue than she did frosting the cookies.  In case anyone is wondering, Kade is wearing an apron and nothing else.  Maybe he's trying out a look for a future "Men of the Holidays" calendar?

Erin and Kade showing off their matching aprons.

Kade did so well meeting the Big Guy this year!  He walked right up to him, told him what he wanted and even let Santa put his arm around him!  What happened to my shy guy??  He's getting so big!

We had breakfast with Santa with Michael and Taylor, our old neighbors.  Here's the 2 BF's looking "cool" in 3D glasses.

Unfortunately Mason missed out on most of the above festivities due to my strict nap schedule.  He did get in on some gift action though!

We had to celebrate Christmas with my family early because my parents went to Kansas City to welcome their newest grandchild into the world!
Noella Grace joined us on December 19th at 8:36 am coming in at a whopping 9 pounds 9 ounces!  And I thought my boys were big!  I can't wait to meet her in person!  Kade has already asked if he can "wrestle gently" with her.
The boys dropping off their gifts for the "Thanksgiving Tree" as Kade calls it.

The daycare Christmas party.  Can anyone spot Mason in this picture??

And finally, a cute picture of Mason.  I feel bad because he didn't make much of an appearance in this post.  Seems like anytime anything fun is happening, he's asleep!  Maybe it's because when he's awake nothing gets done besides cleaning up the disaster trail in his wake?  He's into everything these days!  No cupboard, drawer or clean house is safe.

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