Tuesday, December 16, 2014

It's the Holiday Season...

Ok, after a short tutorial from Erik, I think I'm finally getting a handle on the laptop.  We're back in business!!  

December 6th was the beginning of our Holiday Celebrations.  We started out with a day of playing at Owen, Ellie and Rylee's house.  All day we pumped the kids up for our annual trip to the lights at LaCrosse's Riverside Park and a visit with Santa (and used as a threat to not go when our little angels were acting more like devils).  Unfortunately we didn't get going quite soon enough and the line to see Santa was over an hour long.  Turns out none of the kids actually cared about talking to Santa, the boys just wanted to see the live reindeer and the girls just wanted the candy canes!  Whew, crisis averted.

Ellie and Kade in front of the reindeer.  They ended up just telling the reindeer what they wanted for Christmas in hopes that Dasher and the gang would pass that info on to Santa :-)

Mason's first trip to the lights!  He loved the people watching and listening to the choir singing Christmas songs.
Next year we're going to have to find a board that has 6 face holes to make room for Mason and Owen, Ellie and Rylee's baby sister or brother coming this summer!

Family picture time!

Goofballs in the sleigh

Kade and Ellie holding hands while walking through the lights.  It's a popular spot for marriage proposals…maybe in 20 years???

The next day Lady A, her parents and grandparents came to our house to celebrate Christmas with Kade.  We played and ate all day long…it was a perfect Sunday!

Here he is surrounded by all of his gifts from them.  It was a lot of work getting him to sit still long enough to take this picture.  It appeared as though Kado the Tornado touched down about 32 seconds after this was taken :-)

Mason got in on the action too!  Although, he had more fun tearing and eating the wrapping paper.

Big brother teaching little brother everything he knows about tearing into gifts.  Gotta help a brother out once in awhile!
Stud Man showing off his new slippers from his birth great grandparents.  Yes, I realize he's wearing shorts and a tank top.  Yes, I realize it's December.  The kid is warm blooded, add to it the fact that he never stops moving, which means proper winter attire makes for one sweaty 4 year old!

Mason "enjoying" his new toys.  When do babies finally stop putting everything into their mouth???  Soon I hope!!!

And this concludes Round 1 of Holiday Celebrations 2014.

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