Thursday, December 11, 2014

Technology Sucks and Mason's 9 Month Stats

So, our iPad sucks.  It's an important piece of this blog because it's what I use to do my updates.  The app I use to write my posts will open for 2 seconds before overwhelming the ancient patio (as Kade calls it) and cause the old gal to give up on herself.  I've tried hitting it, I tried punching it, I've tried dropping it on the floor.  I know, all great measures to take when you want something to work FOR you. I have yet to throw it across the room but it has been suggested to me that I try that next.  I promise I don't try these tactics with anything, or anyone, else.  Just a stupid patio that randomly shuts down and can't handle opening one measly little app.

So, I'm on to Plan B: Erik's MacBook Air.  However, I can't seem to get a handle on this new fangled technology that doesn't require the use of an actual mouse.  And, I can't seem to figure out how to import pictures.  Which is a problem because I have TONS of pictures I want to post.  It was a big week last week!  The holiday season is upon us and we have been busy!!  When I ask Erik to help me with this foreign contraption he calls a "laptop" he looks at me like I have 2 heads.  Sometimes I need to remind Mr. Information Technology that I just learned what the word "reboot" means a couple months ago and that's only because I googled the meaning.  That's a true story.

So, hopefully my next post will have the goods I'd hoped to do this time.  In the mean time…

During Thanksgiving weekend, Kade and I got invited to go bowling!  We've wanted to take him bowling for awhile but just hadn't done it yet.  It was so fun!!  Kade loved it.  On the drive into town I explained to him what bowling was all about.  He was a little nervous at first and he wanted me to help him but after 2 times he told me I could go sit down.  There was 5 kids and 3 parents.  Since Kade and I were the last to show up, I got nominated to fill in the 6th spot on the scoreboard.  Although, all 3 parents took turns going, it is my name up on the screen.  I tell you this because when you see the picture of the final scores I want everyone to know it isn't just me that can take credit (or not) for our final score.
L to R:  Braeden(6), Colin (3), Owen (7), Kade (4), Ellie (5)

Ages of the kids are important to note as well when you see the next picture.  Also, important to note we did use bumpers.  And we bowled for an hour.  I know everyone is thinking "my" score should be off the charts, right?
Yeah, it's a little embarrassing.

Mason had his 9 month appt today!  There wasn't supposed to be any shots but he had to get his 2nd flu shot.  Bummer.  

This appt confirmed what we already knew:  The kid is huge.
Height:  2 ft. 5.5 in.  (77%)
Weight:  25.4 lbs  (>97%--he's literally off the charts)
Head:  47 cm  (89%)

He's meeting all of the milestones and doing great!  He's started saying "Dada" and "Mama", not very often and you have to listen closely to hear it but he's saying them!  Actually, I've really only heard him say it when he's crying and wants us to hold him.  And, I'm more than happy to oblige :-)  I can't wait til his vocabulary really starts taking off!  

And because Mason and Kade have been so close in their growth charts, I have to add what Kade was at his 9 month.
Height:  2 ft 5 inches  (80%)
Weight:  22. 4 lbs  (80%)
Head:  48.5 cm  (>97%)
It should be noted that Kade had his 9 month check up when he was actually 9 months old.  Mason turned 10 months old 2 days ago.

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