Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The 4th of July

Our 4th celebrations started on the 3rd this year.  We took Kade to his very first fireworks show in a neighboring small town.  Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures but Kade had the time of his life playing with friends at the park before the fireworks started and then oohing and aahing at every single firework that went up.  It really makes you appreciate the small things when you are watching your kids see something for the first time!

It was going to be a late night so Mason skipped the fireworks this year and instead stayed home and got some one-on-one time with Grandma H.

The next day we packed up and headed down to Owen, Ellie and Rylee's house for some good old fashioned summertime play!  The kids immediately changed into their suits for a water gun fight which really did end up being a fight.  One kid would spray the other, the one who got sprayed would get mad because they didn't want to be sprayed, then they would turn right around and spray someone else.  They finally gave up on spraying each other and just watered various objects in the yard instead.

Megan (aka Betty Crocker) got all the kids together to make individual fruit pizzas.  Seriously, how does she come up with these things and then find the time to make it happen??
All 9 kids standing still long enough for a picture!  Miracles do happen!

Mason didn't get to enjoy a fruit pizza but he did get to wear a silly hat.  Poor kid, good thing he won't remember it :-)

That's Kade running up the slide on the right.  When did he get so long??

Because I have to give the dad's a hard time, here they are doing what they did best....

And here's Mason doing his best "Dad" impersonation :-)

Our actual 4th of July fireworks consisted of glow sticks, sparklers and random people in the neighborhood letting off their own fireworks.  It was perfect!
All 9 kids again, with a little help from some parents this time.

Kade even kept the party going in his sleep!

Saturday Kade, Erik and Uncle Mike helped Grandpa H bale some hay for the horses.

Finally we capped off the perfect long weekend with a dip in the pool.  Mason even got to get in for a little bit!  Good thing Grandma Holiday keeps the water temp at a "refreshing" 95 degrees!

Life is good!

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